400 independent bathrooms

no, not Ranger, it's (class: Ranger)


+1 HP and +1 to hit for each template
Starting equipment: chain mail under a dull cloak, healing herbs (cures one poison or venom), hunting boomerang (d6, 300ft).

A: Hunter's Arc, I Get Around
B: If He Be Worthy, Assemble
C: Speed Forces, Suicide Squad
D: Return of the King

A - Hunter's Arc - It's your birthright to rule the land, though circumstances have forced you into hiding for now. Still, when you speak to someone, you can give them the vague but powerful sense that your fate is of great importance. If you reveal you're the rightful king, expect to die for it. You can throw hunting boomerangs in a way where they come back if you miss. That's not usually how those work, fun fact.

A - I Get Around - When you go somewhere for the first time, 50% chance you've been there before. If you have, ask the GM a question about it and get an answer that is, or was, true. You can throw boomerangs around corners, but they won't return if you do that.

B - If He Be Worthy - All your Ranger powers after this sentence turn off if you act in a manner unbefitting a king. Your boomerangs return to you even if they hit, even around corners. It's magic.

B - Assemble - When you go somewhere for the first time, 50% chance that the most important person there is a loyal ally to you, though they may have more pressing obligations currently. You can build special boomerangs out of magic weapons, so they have the powers of those weapons.

C - Speed Forces - You and allies who can see you travel 50% faster, in and out of combat. If you get 20ft of run-up, double your damage with your boomerang.

C - Suicide Squad - You can inspire hope in your allies, giving a 50% chance to remove fear, despair, madness, and stuff like that, and inspiring hirelings to fight or go places they otherwise wouldn't. Like all kings, you can call upon the service of a noble unicorn steed.

D - Return of the King - All your 50% powers go up to 100% instead. When your boomerangs return to you, they hit someone of your choice on the way back.

Design notes: The "ranger" concept has so much baggage to carry. Weapon skill, tracking, moving through the wilds, diplomacy, medicine... I wanted to really drill down on the aspect of the original Ranger archetype (Aragorn) that I feel like nobody thinks to include: He's the destined King of Gondor!

I think you can understand pretty much all of Aragorn's "powers" and skills as being extensions of his divine right to rule, his kingly nature. So that's what we're doing here. Well, that and comic book references.

Powers like the first half of Assemble are so exciting to me. I know it looks like it might throw a campaign into stupid chaos, and look, it might. I want to play with fire. I wouldn't blame you if you wanted to replace it though. You could probably stick something in there that helps with combat. I haven't honed my understanding of combat balance in this sphere, like, at all. This class is a warrior type guy. Probably shouldn't be as good at killing stuff as someone who doesn't also get all the silly toys this one gets. But better than a hobbit.