400 independent bathrooms

Cosmic Orchestra (GLOGtober)

This is actually my second Glogtober entry, but I finished it first, so you're seeing it first. The prompt was "Patrons: their source of power/wealth and their goals in using the party."

I have long wondered about the "player archetypes," outlined by various authors. None of them are totally spot-on, but they seem useful. Here's one way you could use them. I am basing these on the ones in The Angry GM's post, because those are the ones with which I most strongly resonate.

A player won't accurately tell you their strongest motivations. They can't see them. Besides, some of the motivations have been given a bad reputation, and players don't want to identify with the bad ones. The Cosmic Orchestra is a collection of fictional patrons that you could use to get a handle on, and to help you provide fuel for, the motivations of players at your table.

The patrons need to be unambiguously helpful. If you make some of them seem shady you will throw off the utility of them as content-tailoring tools. They also need to not be at odds with one another, which is why I'm presenting them as agents of some kind of unified organization. Otherwise, again, players would have reasons to avoid picking the ones they actually prefer.

I have given the patrons goals for your protagonists to pursue in their name, but I'd like you to understand that these goals are not the point. The point is to trickle out tailored rewards that the players who chose the patron will care about, to keep them invested.

Master of Muses. Wears the happy and sad masks on his two heads. When you complete work for the Master of Muses, you recieve a CLARITY TEAR, which is a little bead of glass you can crush to gain a more vivid and lasting memory of a person, place, thing, or event. The GM is compelled to provide the user of a Clarity Tear with a piece of artwork. Maybe a drawing, a miniature, a photo, a collage, a song, a snack, or some other thing they come up with. The GM doesn't have to make it from scratch, of course, but needs to choose it, at the very least, and provide it. I suggest they provide it at the beginning of the next session.
Master of Muses asks his agents to hide their own gold in other people's homes and hideouts.

The Four Winds. Little fairy creatures. When you complete work for the Four Winds, you recieve a HEART CHARM, which automatically erupts if you experience a really extreme emotional reaction to something important to you. (It doesn't trigger from a fear spell, unless your childhood was defined by lots of fear spells being used to keep you in line, for example.) The effect of a Heart Charm erupting is flashy and extremely obviously communicates how you are feeling. It can mimic the effect of any spell, if you need guidance. I suggest a big damage blast.
The Four Winds ask their agents to witness the light and heat of fires, wherever they may burn.

Bronze Anchor. Dead sailor, wry grin and jokes. When you complete work for Bronze Anchor, you recieve a MESSAGE BOTTLE, which you can send out with a question about a person's motives or plans, and recieve a whispered answer. Works on the living or dead. I suggest being really forthright and holding nothing back.
Bronze Anchor asks his agents to collect pieces of worked stone.

Stringspinner. Marionette of a silly-looking spider. When you complete work for the Stringspinner, you recieve a SECOND SIGHT, which you can feel upon your brow like an hour of not sleeping. Spend it to see the dice and their results, during or after any roll. I suggest keeping an eye on whether this is any good, and maybe making it last for a few rolls or something.
The Stringspinner asks her agents to plant seeds which will grow into spider-bushes.

The Metallurge. Tin man, full of liquid that sloshes and spills. When you complete work for the Metallurge, recieve a RARE REAGENT, which you can brew into a potion that holds a resource you own, such as a spell or hit points. Whoever drinks the potion will gain the resource.
The Metallurge asks its agents to witness tears falling, but not to cause them to fall.

Archivist. Spectral form of a dragon. When you complete work for Archivist, recieve a LUMEN BOX. Open it to reveal a foreshadowing vision of a significant event happening now or soon, as if you were in the room seeing it.
Archivist asks her agents to observe a subject under different lighting conditions.

Shadow-Thrower. Many-armed androgyne. When you complete work for the Shadow-Thrower, add a few words to your living epitaph. Many people know your epitaph, and those who don't will nonetheless understand it's true when they hear it. I suggest keeping it related to things you've done.
The Shadow-Thrower asks their agents to try.