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Create Nemesis

Create Nemesis
Casting time: 1 action
Caster level: anyone can cast this spell, whether they have magical talent or training or neither
You point at an intelligent and living creature you can see, and they die. At the same time, another intelligent entity receives a true vision of the murder. They see your face. They are 1d100 miles from your location, as the crow flies in 1d12 direction clockwise. (Elevation is irrelevant. Higher elevations get priority if it matters.) They are whoever makes sense to be in that location at the time. Maybe a hunter, maybe a newborn baby, maybe a mermaid. Both you and your nemesis know one another's location when this occurs, but no further information is transmitted. They know that if they don't bring you to justice (whatever that means to them) (usually your death), their soul will never make it to heaven. Create Nemesis can't kill a nemesis it created.

Create Nemesis is one of the Forbidden Spells sealed away in the Nine Spell Tombs of Izalo.

Before the Sealing, the area within a hundred miles of the Izaloan Throne only ever saw one casting of the spell. The fear that the king would become the caster's own nemesis kept it in check. The territory outside this radius, however, was not so fortunate.

The king of Izalo eventually took to wandering his lands unannounced, in order to sow fear in the hearts of would-be casters everywhere.

The Izaloan throne has sat empty for seven generations.